Thursday, August 27, 2009

Next Contemplation ...

For whatever reasons, will have to wait until the Local Plan has been reviewed in 2010. The Town Council seems to have left this lot out while rezoning the entire areas from residential to commercial. The previous owner dis not protest while the draft is put on gazette during the public hearing. So, the lesson is to look out for the zoning of the land one owns while the local plan is being tabled for public scrutiny before it is too late.

Current Renovations ...

It is just a pitch. Renovation jobs are too time consuming with very little returns... It is good for a new start up liked J&H in the architectural scene.

Current Projects ...

Previous planning submission was earmarked for a higher plot ratio. The funny thing is even when the local plan is still a Draft basis, the City Hall is holding it as a pre-conditions and cast in stone! Computing the amount of GFA that needs to be reduce, would the profit margins still hold water? This is yet to be seen as we are working on a watered down version.


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